If I could teach one thing for a day

I was 13 when I went to my first meditation class, and if I could teach anything for a day that would be meditation. Not because I am a meditation fanatic or a yogi but because it is very simple to teach and probably the only thing one can learn effortlessly. All they have to do is sit, close their eyes and do absolutely nothing. Unlike other skills like singing, dancing or playing musical instruments meditation is simple to learn but tough to perform. Another reason I pick meditation is that anyone can learn something about meditation in a day to make a direct impact on their lifestyle.

Meditation helps us to see things from different perspective. We can’t change every little thing that happens to us in our life but we can change the way we experience it, we can have a completely different paradigm about things we go through.
We live in a word which encourage the idea that in order to be happy we have to rely on external circumstance and this is an idea that has been hammered into our heads probably since we could understand what happiness, success and satisfaction were, and obviously there are concepts that are different for different people at different times. So it could be things like spending good times with your friends, owning a luxurious house, getting married with the love of your life and so on, and all these things are great things, but what after we owe it? We start seeking happiness in something else. We keep on postponing our happiness. We are still relying on things outside of ourselves to make us happy. This false idea has made our success temporary and our happiness conditional. We are only happy if something external is making us satisfied.
Meditation is the ability to focus on one thing contentiously without break and if practiced diligently it is the source of proactive mentality. It’s a way to connect yourself with our true inner-self. It can give us the vision to see our world in bigger, better and broader dimension. Another thing people don’t realize, just like our body requires physical exercise to stay strong, healthy and active our mind is a muscle that requires exercise to keep it focused, relaxed and happy.

You don’t have to burn incense or you don’t have to go to the Himalayas to meditate. All you have to do is take 15 minutes out of your non-productive time, the time you spend having filthy conversation or time you spend on social media. 15 minutes to live in the present moment because 15 minutes a day can make your day and meditation every day can make your life. And if you’re too busy to make 15 minutes out of your schedule for you to have a greater sense of focus, calm and clarity you basically don’t have your life.


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